Wednesday, April 06, 2005

My Abduction

While I am waiting for my last kid of the day, I thought I would tell you a story, rather than playing computer solitaire. Here it is: The other day I was driving east on Mockingbird Lane because I was headed to my parents' house to do some work for them, which I do twice a week. So, anyway, I travel this route at least twice a week and sometimes more. I have done so for several years, as I like to always keep to the same route whenever I'm driving someplace I've been before. (Walking is a different story, but that is for another time and blog). So, there I was on Mockingbird Lane, only suddenly, I had no idea where I was! Panic ensued. It must have taken me at least 30 of the longest seconds of my life to figure out where I was. I also could not remember how I got where-ever it was that I was. Imagine how completely dorky I felt when I realized I was about a mile from my house on a well-traveled route. So I figure I must have been abducted by aliens. Because, frankly, the radio program to which I was listening wasn't really engrossing. I think it was about Bush's Social Security plan or something equally as boring. So I don't think I lost time from being caught up in public radio. I am also almost positive I wasn't asleep. There was no sensation of nodding off, nor was there the usual upward head jerk that one would expect when waking from falling asleep sitting up. Alien abduction is really the only reasonable conclusion I can draw.
Plus, a couple of nights later, I had a dream about a tree full of owls. You all know what that means.

I have inspected behind both ears for probes, but there don't appear to be any. Perhaps the aliens read Whitley Streiber's books and have become more clever about covering their tracks.

Funny thing is, I don't believe in aliens.


Robert_M said...

I don't think it's your ears you need to worry about them probing.

Tara said...

Oh dear.

Gye Greene said...

The question is: Do aliens belive in YOU?

re: A tree full of owls. My housemate's dad got a saying/phrase/idiom from a co-worker: "She lives in a tree full of owls." I think it's supposed to mean someone's rather scatty.

--Tall Guy