Monday, July 11, 2005

Kitchen Gadget Question

Garlic is a big player in our house, and I always end up with garlic-smell on my hands from peeling off the papery skins. I have seen a gadget in stores and on tv to help with this. It is a soft plastic, or perhaps rubber, tube. You insert the garlic clove into the tube, and roll it on the counter with the palm of your hand, like you are making a play-dough snake, and voila! Off comes the papery skin! Have any of you tried this tool?


Julie said...

I use to have a flat rubber thing (kinda like the thing you use to open a jar) I got from World market I think that you roll the garlic around in and it magically peels the skin off- it worked great- i lost it in a move.

whitneydonkey said...

if you get garlic or onion smell on your hands, rub your hands on your metal water faucet and the smell will be gone.

i love garlic too!

tschy said...

The rubber rolly thing does work – quite well actually...and if you are at a kitchen gadget store, check out a small metallic thingy - kind of looks like a stainless steel bar of hotel soap. Supposedly, you rub your hands on it and the smell goes away. I'm going to try what another commenter said - rub your hands on the metal faucet to see if that works.