Monday, May 23, 2005

Doi Doi Doi Doi...

When I was in high school, some friends of mine invented the word DOI. A doi is a person with bangs that hang in their eyes, they are really sensitive, and they have a spiral notebook that they carry around for when they need to write down their thoughts, or maybe a poem about sadness or rain. "Doi" is supposedly the sound effect that goes along with writing in the spiral: Doi doi doi doi doi...and so forth. Feel free to use this word so maybe it will take off and end up in the OED someday. I bring this up because I gave Kev a notebook yesterday with tiny staff paper lines, for when he has a song idea (he tends to forget the ones he doesn't write down). And he said, "Do I have to go doi doi doi doi when I write in it?" I thought it was funny, because I don't even remember telling him the story of doi, but he remembered hearing it.
I guess one could argue that blogging has a certain amount of doi-ness about it. But not really.


Robert_M said...

bloging is doi..that's why I like it

john clarke said...

Dave had this friend during college who was a complete Doi. But he was a pretentious Doi. He had the long hair, always talked about his bad poetry he maintained was good and put on a big Bohemian act even though he went to SMU. He had this really pretentious name I can't remember. Oh, now I remember. It was "Quitman". His real first name was something like Paul, but he went by his middle name Quitman because, of course, that was even more pretentious.

Rob and I had a running joke about Quitman: "Quitman. He's coooool." Dave was always foisting that line on us in hopes of convicing Rob and I and maybe himself that Quitman really was cool.

Dave, if you should ever read this: You were always cool. Quitman wasn't.

Gye Greene said...

Love the term; will try to use.


Gye Greene said...

It's good that you got Kevin a specific songwriting notebook.

GG and I both use random scraps of paper, which we carry around in our pockets for a few days. Eventually, he types his in to the computer; I staple mine onto the pages of a spiral notebook. ;)


Gye Greene said...

A co-worker and I were talking: Is "doi" short for "doiley" (them lacy round things)?


Tara said...

No, it's just a silly word. The funny thing is that now (20 years later) one of the guys who made up the word is about to marry the girl who was the original doi. I'm not sure if she knows the story.

whitneydonkey said...

i was thinking about the doi -blog connection the other day, but i didn't know how to spell doi.