Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Our friend Bob was telling us the other day that Pie-ing people is making a come-back. I am not sure where he got this information. I am not really on board with the idea, but I'll admit I started thinking about who I would pie if I had to pie someone. The usual list comes to mind...Oprah, Rachel Ray, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (still no response to my call, letter, fax, OR email). Kev asked me what kind of pie I would use, so I explained that I am pretty sure the pies used to pie people are just whipped cream. It would seem a shame to waste a perfectly good real pie by putting it in someone's face. Anyway, then I was reading about how Mister Rogers decided to get into television because he turned on a TV one day and saw people being pied, and thought it was degrading, and he wanted to put something on TV that could counter such a thing. Mister Rogers is right. I will not consider pie-ing people anymore.


john clarke said...

A bit of history. The pieing incident that kicked it all off was around 1969 or 1970 when Anita Bryant, the spokeswoman for Florida Orange Juice, took a pie in the face on TV. She riled up a lot of people up for her hot right-wing and homophobic public statements, which resulted in a pie face. It seemed that after that incident, right-wing homophobia calmed down for a while. Now it's back again, bigger and badder than ever, at least in Texas. So for that reason, I'm in favor of the pie face if it has even the slightest tempering effect on ugly politics.

Gye Greene said...

I'm noticing a Mr. Rogers theme -- which I respect. :) A good guy.

Here in Australia, Mr. Rogers didn't make it to public television. Much sadness! Am thinking about picking up some videotapes or DVDs of Mr. Rogers the next time I visit the states, just so my local Aussies (and my daughter!) can see how spiffy he is.

One thing I didn't know until Tall Guy mentioned it to me is that Mr. Rogers wrote his own piano tunes -- like the "Won't You Be My Neighbor" theme song. Here's his song list, within the PBS "Mr. Rogers" page. Includes some sheet music! :)


Gye Greene said...

I second the approval of the Mister Rogers theme! You've inspired me to post my "Mr. Rogers" blog entry I was "saving for a rainy day."


Gye Greene said...

Whoops! Sorry -- bad copy & paste, left over from writing my blog entry. Try this link.
