Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Truth or Plot?

According to, it is supposed to rain every day for the next 5 days, bringing the temperatures back down into the 80s. It is awfully sunny out, and I didn't see any big storms approaching on the radar picture, so I checked with WFAA Chan.8...same forecast. Hmm. Could it be true, or did the meteorolgical community get together and design a fake forecast to give us hope and make us feel better so we'll stop blaming them for the weird heat-wave? Then, if they are "wrong," they can just shrug their shoulders and say, well, looks like it missed us! I decided to check the national forecast on They predict rain every day for the next TEN days. I hope they're right, but I'm very suspicious. Meanwhile, do I water my plants? If I do, it means a minimum of 5 mosquito bites, probably more. Do I take my umbrella to work? That would almost guarantee it WON'T rain.

I talked to Kev's mom last night. She lives in Upstate New York. "It's freezing here, it's 50 degrees," she kept saying. I told her she'd get no sympathy from me.


My apologies to the Channel 5 team of meteorologists and their colleagues. We are having a huge and wonderful storm.


Gye Greene said...

Sorry -- I don't understand the relationship between watering your plants and five mozzie bites.


Tara said...

The minute I go outside, I get attacked by mosquitos. They are evil.