Sunday, May 15, 2005

Tales from the Great Game

Last year when my brother and I went to a Rough Riders game, one of us read the calendar incorrectly. When we got there, we discovered the team was on the road. No game.

So, yesterday, we tried again. We headed out to Frisco in the late afternoon, and stopped at Steak and Shake for "dinner." Then, we headed to the stadium for the game. We pulled into the line for parking only to find out it was the line for people with parking passes. So we were told to go to the parking garage, which would be three dollars. Somehow, Jeff missed a turn, and we got to the parking garage in a round-about way and managed to bypass having to pay. Free parking! Cool. So we walked toward the stadium and made our way to the ticket counter, which was displaying a big sign: This Game is Sold Out. D'oh. Now what? We decided to look for scalpers. None. So we asked a ticket-taker lady if she could tell us where the scalpers hang out. She didn't know, and sent us to the next ticket-take lady. This turned out to be Judy, the nicest ticket-taker lady ever.

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